尊龙凯时集团 Chengdu SRE Albany residence was nearly sold out


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Chengdu SRE Albany residence was nearly sold out

In the second half of 2017, Chengdu Albany residence welcomed its hot time by sticking on its “short storage and short explosion” strategy that has the lowest risk and highest market opportunities. From August to October in 2017, this project opened three consecutive times and each achieved good sales performance.

On October 29, 3rd, 2 units in the third building officially opened sales. At that day, 87suits were sold out with a total sales amount of 61.0367 million yuan. Through effective sales strategy, the rate of the project parking is greatly increased. The total amount of parking space sold on that day was amounted to 15.53 million yuan. Relying on the excellent quality and value of the project, Chengdu Albany residence had successfully established the image of regional benchmark, with the average price of the project rising from about 5100 yuan per sqm in early 2016 to the current 8500 yuan per sqm.

As the last piece of paper SRE handed in, the sale of Chengdu Albany residence was a perfect ending for 2017. Next, Chengdu SRE will focus on returned money and shop sales. The group will strive to complete the target the group has made as soon as possible.
